Although you might have to pay additional fees, your domain registration will remain valid for a period even if it expires and you neglect to renew it. On-time domain renewal, however, can impact your email address and perhaps cause its loss. What then happens to email when the domain name expires?
Let's learn more about what happens when an email domain expires.
Once a domain name expires and is not renewed, it is not instantly accessible for someone else to register. Usually, it enters a grace period during which the original owner may renew the domain without any extra cost. This grace period, generally lasting about 30 days after the expiration date, allows the registrant to still access their email services, Google Workspace, and website, although the domain will be parked.
Should the domain not be renewed following the grace period, it can enter a redemption grace period. The registrar holds the domain during this period. Though they must pay a redemption fee, the original owner could still recover it. The registrar could then list it for a 10-day auction. At this point, other interested parties will place bids on your domain; the highest bidder will be crowned the winner.
If the domain is not purchased or renewed following the closeout auction, you will lose ownership. The registry will delete it after a 5-day pending delete phase and release it for anyone to purchase.
There are several reasons why domains may expire:
The most common cause is not remembering to renew your domain before the expiration date expires. Although many domain registrars will remind you of renewals, they can be missed.
If your credit card expires or has less than necessary funds, automatic renewal will not be effective. This will stop the registrant from billing your card automatically.
Not turning on auto-renewal for your domain name when the registration expires will not let the registrar automatically charge your payment card before the domain expiration date.
Companies may change their branding or cease operations. As a result, they no longer need the domain and will allow it to expire.
The impact on email services when you let your domain name expires can be severe:
The most immediate effect of failing to renew your domain registration is that every email address connected to the expired domain will stop working.
Many online services send alerts and account recovery using the registrant's email address, so you may lose access to several important accounts when your domain expires.
Expired domains can put you at risk of cybercrime. Someone else can buy the domain and use it for illegal activities.
An expired domain could damage your brand's reputation since consumers might not be able to reach you via email or website visit on the Internet.
Should you find yourself in a scenario whereby your domain expires, there are actions you can follow so you don't lose your domain:
Follow these tips so the domain registrar doesn't disable your email services:
You're in! Watch your inbox for top-quality domain updates.
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You're in! Watch your inbox for top-quality domain updates.
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